Ciemas Gold Project – First Gold Pour
The first gold pour from the initial 500 tonnes batch ores of leaching and processing which commenced in June 2017 has produced 936 grams of gold with 99.0% purity.
Ciemas Gold Project Update Near-term production of gold
Construction of the first leaching processing plant and its associated supporting infrastructure commenced in early 2017 and is now complete. The first batch of leaching commenced in June 2017. The Leaching plant was designed to treat up to 1,000 tonnes of oxide ore per cycle. It includes crushers, a carbon absorption circuit and a smelter from which gold will be produced. Infrastructure includes steel structure housing, hauling road, power supply, laboratory, mess, etc.
Maiden Mineral Resources Estimate for Cibak and Cipancar prospects
Independent Qualified Person’s Report by SRK reported of an additional gold mineral resources (in accordance with the JORC code 2012 edition) from the Cibak and Cipancar Prospects which contain approximately 1.1 million tonnes (“Mt”) of Inferred Resources with an average grade of 5.6 g/t of gold.

Geotechnical Investigation
Geotechnical investigation was completed by Golder Associates. It was to assess likely geotechnical and hydrogeological issues and design constraints (including embankment stability, foundations and potential impoundment issues) associated with the planned developments on the Tailing Storage Facility (TSF) and Process Plant.
Processing Plant Engineering Design
Following the Metallurgical Test Work, The Processing Plant Engineering Design including Capital Expenditure and Operating Expenditure was completed. The processing plant engineering design used primary crushing, SAG milling, gravity separation, froth flotation, two-stage fluid-bed roasting, off- gas scrubbing, carbon-in-leach, elution & regeneration, gold room and detoxification circuits, capable of treating ore at throughput rate of 0.5 million tonne per annum.
Metallurgical Test Work
The Metallurgical Test Work is to analyse the chemical and physical characteristics of the gold ore, and to find the optimum process flow route to extract the gold from its ore. The Test Work completed includes ore characterisation, response & optimization tests, oxidation option and comminution tests.
Tailings Storage Facility Engineering Design
Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) is used to store the tailings from the processing plant. The designs completed include natural site selection, embankment, decant & water return system, tailings delivery and distribution system. The TSF is designed situating at a natural valley, northeast from the designed process plant.
Mining Engineering Design
Preliminary Mining Engineering design for an open cut mining and underground mining have been completed. An open cut mining followed by underground mining has been proposed for the 4 prospects, While an underground mining design is proposed for the Cibak & cipancar prospects using adits, ramps and shafts, and adopting mining and prospecting methods simultanerously. The order of the underground mining is from hanging wall to footwall, and from top to bottom.

Process plant, TSF & Waste dumps Sterilization
The geophysical induced polarization & resistivity subsurface investigation study was to locate any anomalies (potential mineralization zone) beneath the surface area under investigation. The proposed major infrastructures (process plant, tailing storage facility and waste dumps) have been sterilized and hence ensuring no potential mineralization beneath it.

Mineral Resources Statement for the 4 prospects
SRK completed the “Updated Resource Report for the Ciemas Gold Project” as of 30 June 2014. The Mineral Resources were reported in accordance with the Australasian Code of Reporting Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (the “JORC Code”, 2012 Edition). The Mineral Resources were updated for four advanced prospect zones, namely Pasir Manggu, Cikadu, Sekolah and Cibatu, among a number of mineralised zones. The Measured + Indicated Resources is 3,040 thousand tonnes (“kt”), contains 26,740 kg of gold with an average gold grade of 8.8 g/t. The Inferred Resources is 1,600 kt, contains 12,230 kg of gold with an average grade of 7.6 g/t Au.
Open Cut Scoping Study
The open cut scoping study was to examine the viability of developing the Ciemas Gold Project by open cut methods followed by underground mining at depth. The study suggested that open cut mining provides a better financial outcome compared with underground mining of the upper zones of the deposit, adverse ground conditions and ground water are better managed, and mining risk are reduced. The downside to open cut mining is the increase in land disturbance.
30 DDH Drilling for metallurgical testwork
Thirty diamond drill hole drilling were used to obtained oriented and intact rock coring samples from hundreds of metres below the ground across the four prospects area. These representative coring samples were used for the metallurgical test works

Independent Qualified Person’s Report for the Ciemas Gold Project
An independent consultant, SRK Consulting China Limited (“SRK”) has prepared an independent qualified person’s report (“IQPR”) on the Ciemas Gold Project in West Java, Indonesia.
Wilton operates the Ciemas Gold Project in West Java, Indonesia with two mining licences covering a total area of approximately 30.8 square kilometres. The Ciemas Project consists of a number of gold deposit and occurrences. The gold mineralization in Ciemas is hosted in quartz veins, structural altered rocks with tectonic breccia, or in quartz porphyry.
SRK estimated that, at a gold cut-off grade of 1.0 g/t, the Pasir Manggu, Cikadu, Sekolah and Cibatu Prospects contain approximately 2.416 million tonnes (“Mt”) of Measured + Indicated Resources with an average grade of 8.44 g/t of gold., and 1.937 Mt of Inferred Resources with an average grade of 8.36 g/t of gold, reported in accordance with the Joint Ore Reserves Committee (“JORC”) code.
SRK also estimated that, at a gold cut-off grade of 1.69 g/t, the Pasir Manggu, Cikadu, Sekolah and Cibatu Prospects contain approximately 2.4405 Mt of Proved + Probable Reserves with an average grade of 7.1 g/t of gold, reported in accordance with the Joint Ore Reserves Committee (“JORC”) code.
Topography Mapping by LIDAR
Lidar (Light Detection & Ranging) airborne survey was flown over the entire 3,078 ha of our tenement producing detailed topography mapping data that would facilitate exploration activities, mining activities, processing plant, Tailings Storage Facility, waste dumps and infrastructure design. These software tools have been used extensively on our design work.